Medium Flower Bouquet for your loved ones. This dazzling bunch contains the fresh heartwarming seasonal flowers including Tube Roses, Roses, Glads and green fillers (Aprox. 18-20 stems). Send these refreshing flowers to your loved ones on their Birthday, Anniversary, Wedding, and Engagement to make their day extra special.

Medium Flower Bouquet

10.50 $

Medium Flower Bouquet for your loved ones. This dazzling bunch contains the fresh heartwarming seasonal flowers including Tube Roses, Roses, Glads and green fillers (Aprox. 18-20 stems). Send these refreshing flowers to your loved ones on their Birthday, Anniversary, Wedding, and Engagement to make their day extra special.

  • Actual product may vary from the picture shown here.
  • Same day delivery is only available for Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore & Rawalpindi. 2-3 business days requires for delivery in other cities.
Medium Flower Bouquet for your loved ones. This dazzling bunch contains the fresh heartwarming seasonal flowers including Tube Roses, Roses, Glads and green fillers (Aprox. 18-20 stems). Send these refreshing flowers to your loved ones on their Birthday, Anniversary, Wedding, and Engagement to make their day extra special.